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Alliance Against Christian Discrimination
"Protecting and Promoting the Christian Faith and Our Religious Heritage." |
Social Issues:"The secularists are attempting to silence the Church. Furthermore, they are endeavoring to divorce society from God." (p. 234. Downfall: Secularization of a Christian Nation. Marty Pay & Hal Donaldson. 1991.) "Ours is a post-Christian world in which Christianity, not only in the number of Christians but in cultural emphasis and cultural result, is no longer the consensus or ethos of our society." (p. 29. The Great Evangelical Disaster . Francis Schaeffer. 1984.) "People of faith find themselves marginalized and ridiculed. In a nation where our coins carry the motto, 'In God We Trust '" (p. 41. Politically Incorrect . Ralph Reed. 1994.) "American secular society is systematically closing the door to virtually all forms of Judeo-Christian expression in public places." (p. 22. Whitehead. Ibid.) "To reclaim our beloved nation from the destructive forces of humanism, secularism, atheism and false religions, we must first retrieve the true history from those who have almost hidden it beneath an avalanche of lies, distortions and misinterpretations." (p. ii. The Rewriting of America's History. Catherine Millard. 1991.) "We are living in what many have described as a post-Christian era. That doesn't mean there are no longer many Christians around; there may in fact be more true believers than ever before. Post-Christian means that Christian faith no longer plays a role in shaping public opinion and policy. Christian assumptions and commitments, once widely held, no longer have the presence and impact they once had." (p. 21. Seeing Through. David Roper. 1995.) "Our country, as it has moved toward a post-Christian consensus, has adopted pragmatic relativism and collectivism as basic themes of American society." (p. 16. The Stealing of America. John Whitehead. 1983.) "Conservatives should be adamant about the need for the reappearance of Judeo-Christianity in the public square." (William F. Buckley. National Review. 1990.) "Extremist groups like People for the American Way attack Christians who run for public office as a threat to the 'separation of church and state,' though they never specify why conservatives are any more of a threat than churchmen and church women on the Left who have led religiously inspired causes for decades." (p. 198. Nash. Ibid.) "Make no mistake about the intention of these secularists: It is to discredit the voice of Christians so that America will tolerate only one view." (Erwin Lutzer. The Myths that could Destroy America.) "Outright persecution of Christian liberty is permeating our society. Christians are called to recognize these attacks, and repel them with stalwart biblical action." (John W. Whitehead. Freedom of Religious Expression: Fact or Fiction? 1986.) "Why is it that Christian activists are regularly pilloried for basing social standards on biblical texts while liberals are actually praised for mixing religion and politics?" (Gary DeMar. Ibid. p. 180) "America has become politically and culturally agnostic , and the Christian faith in the minds of many has come to represent intolerance." (Faith & Freedom. Benjamin Hart. Christian Defense Fund. 1997. p. 20) "Have we come to the point where it is now considered a secular blasphemy to acknowledge the name of God at all?" (The De-Valuing of America by William J. Bennett. p. 208) "Removing religion from the womb of culture has become the practiced virtue of the ACLU over the past several decades." ( William Donohue. The Politics of the American Civil Liberties Union . 1985) (p. 51) "Separationist groups such as the ACLU, People for the American Way, and Americans United for Separation of Church and State are doing all they can to sweep religion's influence out of every nook and cranny of Americans' public life." (p. 62. Ibid.) "The West has become a hostile place for families and people of faith." (p. 239. Ibid.) "The Sixties movement did not rebel against religion. It rebelled against the Christian religion." (Ibid. p. 24) "The ferocity of the current assault on the legacy of Christian culture has brought a new clarity of vision. The alternatives are set before us with unusual starkness: either there will be a genuine renewal of Christian culture there is no serious alternative or we will be enveloped by the darkness of paganism in which the worship of the true God is abandoned and forgotten. The sources of the cultural crisis, it turns out, are theological." (Professor Robert Wilkin, University of Virginia. 1992.) "Imagine solving social problems with a Bible study in a culture where the Bible has been banned from public recognition and discourse." (Ibid. Spirit Wars. p. 51) "The feminist movement in Western culture is engaged in the slow execution of Christ and Jahweh." (Naomi Goldenberg. Jewish feminist.) "Christianity is under attack in America. The attack is mostly subtle, a sprinkling of local complaints and subsequent court decisions which serve to slowly squeeze the religious life out of our national heritage. Sometimes the attack is brutally offensive." (William Dannemeyer. Christianity Under Attack. p. 2) "The left wants no part of racism and sexism, but is all to happy to promote religious bigotry ." (Cal Thomas. News Media Biased Against Christians. p. 9) "According to the 1983 United States Commission on Civil Rights Report on Religious Discrimination, there is more religious discrimination going on than most of us realize." (H. Wayne House. Anti-Christian Bias in Higher Education. p. 19) "(Christian) discrimination usually falls into the following categories: 1) derogatory and clearly inappropriate comments; 2) denial of free speech; 3) refusal of admittance to Graduate programs; 4) refusal to award degrees; 5) denial of promotion; 6) firings, terminations, and denial of tenure; 7) denial of accreditation to Christian schools; and 8) governmental interference with Christian schools." (H. Wayne House. Ibid. p. 20) "We may as well need to form a Christian Anti-Defamation League so that there is vigilant monitoring of anti-Christian bias in the public marketplace." (H. Wayne House. Ibid. p. 23) "There appears to be a comprehensive effort to remove religious influence from the American scene or relegate it to second-class status." (p. 404. Christianity and the Constitution: The Faith of Our Founding Fathers. John Eidsmoe. Baker Books: Grand Rapids, MI. 1987., Second Printing 1996.) "We lose our religious liberties for three primary reasons: (1) ignorance of the law, (2) hostility toward religion, and (3) apathy." (Matthew Staver. Faith and Freedom. p. xxv) "Religion in the public square is becoming an endangered species." (Matthew Staver. Faith and Freedom. p. 39) "Religious expression must at least be afforded an equal playing field. Currently, the playing field is not level. Religious expression and practices are treated as second class forms of speech and singled out for discrimination ." (Staver. Ibid. p. 39) "No one is asking for a Christianized America. However, people of faith should have an equal opportunity to express their convictions as someone who expresses their nontheistic views." (Staver. Ibid. p. 39) "In today's political climate, the American Civil Liberties Union would likely sue them (the designers of the Declaration of Independence) for such overt religious language." (Rick Scarborough. Enough is Enough. p. 52) "Bashing the Religious Right has become acceptable political sport what many of the Christian Right are demanding is that America simply return to the clear intent of those who purchased our freedom with their blood." (Rick Scarborough. Enough is Enough. p. 55) "Many Christians have withdrawn from public service. In their absence, a very small number of non-Christians, including those with radical anti-Christian agendas, have been able to control and manipulate the civil politics of America with little or no opposition. Today, many Christians do not eve vote." (Scarborough. Ibid. p. 211) "This age of the new tolerance, and it is producing a bumper crop of anti-Christian and anti-American sentiment." (The New Tolerance. Ibid. p. 119) We no longer live in a post-Christian society; we live in an anti-Christian society, one in which the Christian faith is dismissed or ridiculed and Christians are considered suspect and their motives and behavior berated." (The New Tolerance. Ibid. p. 135) "Religion is removed from the public realm, and the public realm is removed from the affairs of religion. However, this is not neutrality. Implicitly, it supports secularism." (Stephen Monsma. Positive Neutrality. p. 40) "A society that excludes religion totally from its public life, that seems to regard religion as something against which public life must be protected, is bound to foster the impression that religion is either irrelevant or harmful." (Reichley. Religion in Public Life. p. 165.) "Political and social elites tend to support strict separation more consistently than did the general public. Among the academics, 92% chose the 'high wall of separation' response, as did 79% of the media leaders and 77% of the government elites." (The Williamsburg Charter Survey on Religion and Public Life. 1988.) "Religion is considered irrelevant to the public realm of ideas and public policy, and to bring up religion causes embarrassment and a desire quickly to move on to more appropriate comments. It is felt that religion should be left behind in church or in the privacy of one own home." (Stephen Monsma. Positive Neutrality. Ibid. p. 62) "Most Americans instinctively recoil from the claim that there is an antireligious bias running through the underlying assumptions with which their society approaches church-state issues. However, there is persuasive evidence that among some influential segments of the population, there is a very real antireligious strain." (Positive Neutrality. Ibid. p. 68) "To allow God to be divorced from our national identity would not only undermine our system of justice, but would also render meaningless the four words presently inscribed about the Speaker's podium located in the chamber of the House of Representatives in the Capitol of the United States 'In God We Trust.'" (Pat Swindall. A House Divided. p. 33) "Rather than using the First Amendment against Congress, against whom it was originally and exclusively directed, it is now being used by the secularists of our day as a cattle prod to herd conservative religious people out of the public life of the nation and into, as others have put it, a religious ghetto." (Pat Swindall. A House Divided . pp. 149-150) "Are we a religious nation? Consider our national motto 'In God We Trust,' and our Pledge of Allegiance (amended by Congress in 1954 to add the words, 'under God'). The opening of each day's Supreme Court session, inside the Court's Washington, D.C., building with 'In God We Trust' permanently inscribed on its walls, begins with the cry: 'God save the United States and this honorable Court.'" (J. Warren Kniskern. Courting Disaster. p. 80) "No other person in human history has influenced the West and the United States more deeply than the simple carpenter from Nazareth. No other person has had more influence on American culture, history and philosophy than this itinerant preacher It is standard practice to honor those who have made valuable contributions to our history and culture by placing plaques, statues, photographs or pictures in a prominent place for all to see and remember. If Jesus Christ does not fit that definition of secular influence, no one does." (Peter J. Riga. 'A Secular Portrayal of Christ?' The National Law Journal. Jan. 24. 1994. P. 15.) " Removing religious symbols from public places in not neutrality. On the contrary, it sends a highly negative message that religion is something shameful, embarrassing, or at best strictly private." (Chuck Colson. The Dance of Deception . p. 64) "The dominant culture is no longer Christian. Many of our cultural and intellectual leaders have come to reject the major values and institutions of American life especially its religious values and institutions." (Dance of Deception. Ibid. p. 132) "The lesson of history is clear: When Christian belief is strong, the crime rate falls; when Christian belief weakens, the crime rate climbs. Widespread religious belief creates a shared social ethic that acts as a restraint on the dark side of human nature." (Chuck Colson. Ibid. p. 190) "Many people are trying to remove religion from public life. Under the banner of pluralism, cultural and political leaders are seeking to push all talk about God out of the public arena." (Dance of Deception. Ibid. p. 202) "For a good part of this century, Christians committed to biblical truth abandoned the public sphere as a result of social intimidation " (H. Wayne House. The Christian and American Law. p. 10) "Events in the early 1990s in New York City, Texas, and Florida appear to have raised, in the eyes of CBS News, for example, the question of whether religion as such is incompatible with good social order." (Harold O J. Brown. The Christian and American Law. p. 109) "In the name of religious freedom, relativists have banished religion from the public square. They say they have to destroy public displays of religion in order to protect it. The response has been a culturewide gag order on Christianity in governmental and even commercial circumstances." (Robert H. Knight. The Age of Consent. p. 5) "A weakened Christianity in America threatens all Americans, including Jews." (Rabbi Daniel Lapin. America's Real War. p. 12) "You are worried that the religious Right might succeed in forcing their values onto us? I am worried they might fail." (Rabbi Daniel Lapin. America's Real War. p. 37) "Christians in this country have found themselves under selective assault. God has, almost overnight, been removed from the educational, legal, and political institutions of the country." (Lapin. Ibid. p. 43) "The Americans combine the notions of Christianity and of liberty so intimately in their minds, that it is impossible to make them conceive the one without the other." (Alexis de Toqueville. The Republic of the United States of America and Its Political Institutions, Reviewed and Examined. 1851. p. 332.) "I challenge any skeptic to find a ten square mile spot on this planet where they can live their lives in peace and safety and decency, where womanhood is honored, where infancy and old age are revered, where they can educate their children, where the Gospel of Jesus Christ has not gone first to prepare the way. If they find such a place, then I would encourage them to emigrate thither and there proclaim their unbelief." (James Russell Lowell. Minister of State for the U.S. to England. Quoted by Schenck. Christian Evidences and Ethics.) "We are living in the memory of our Christian consensus." (Francis Schaeffer) "There is no longer a Christian mind ." (Harry Blamires. British critic.) "Sometimes I think the environment in which we operate is entirely too secular. The fact that we have freedom of religion doesn't mean we need to try to have freedom from religion, doesn't mean that those of us who have faith shouldn't frankly admit that we are animated by that faith, that we try to live by it, and it does affect what we feel, what we think, and what we do." (President Bill Clinton. "President Sides with Religious Right on Tithing Case." The Morning Edition. Washington, D.C.: National Public Radio, Sept. 24, 1994. Transcript #1444-12. Page 4.) "Except for those few Christians who hold that Christians should have nothing to do with government and hence cannot attempt to influence it, the rest the great majority have only themselves to blame if their government begins to undermine the institutions and values they cherish." (Dr. Harold O. J. Brown. Systematic Theology Professor at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. The Reconstruction of the Republic .) "I remain a religious agnostic, but, unlike most atheists, I not only am not hostile to traditional religion but consider it a highly valuable, not to say essential, social institution." (Guenter Lewy. Why America Needs Religion. Preface) "It is Christian culture that has created Western man and the Western way of life." (Christopher Dawson. The Historical Reality of Christian Culture. P. 255. 1960.) "The overwhelming majority of social scientists were irreligious or even anti-religious. This led them to believe that religion was a disappearing and unimportant factor in human affairs." (Rodney Stark. "Religion and Conformity: Reaffirming a Sociology of Religion." Sociological Analysis. 1984.)