National Alliance Against Christian Discrimination
"Protecting and Promoting the Christian Faith and Our Religious Heritage."

Supporting Comments from Religious Leaders.

"Discrimination against people of faith, particularly Christians, has become an epidemic in this country. In some countries you might expect such discrimination, but in a country that was founded on the premise of religious freedom and where that freedom is enshrined in the Constitution, it is particularly troubling. It's about time that all Americans stand up against attempts to cleanse religion from the public square. I commend Tom for his valiant efforts." (Matthew D. Staver. President and Founder of Liberty Counsel. Orlando, FL.)

"I've known Tom Pedigo since the late 1980's. He's a Christian with a love for God and a love for God's people. His vision and reasonable and committed stance for righteousness has both encouraged and inspired many over these years. His passion to promote the cause of Christ is desperately needed in a society that is becoming increasingly anti-Christ. I thank God for Tom Pedigo." (Bill Johnson. President and Founder of American Decency Association. Freemont, MI)

"The Jews have the Anti-Defamation league. The Catholics have the Catholic league. Bravo for Tom Pedigo for starting the NAACD." (Marshall Fritz . Separation of School & State Alliance. Fresno, CA.)

"Thank you for your letter. There is no doubt that there is an increase in discrimination against Christians. As you probably know, we have reported this on my program, 'The 700 Club,' and the American Center for Law and Justice, which I founded, has been fighting this in the courts. We will continue to do what we can in these areas. I pray that you will have success. Please keep us informed on the progress of the NAACD. May God bless you." (Pat Robertson. Chairman of the Christian Broadcasting Network & Chief Executive Officer)

"It is wonderful to hear of your plans with your organization. It is indeed amazing the extent to which Christian principles and Christian practices are expunged in the name of 'tolerance' and 'pluralism.' The account of legal discrimination against Christianity – all in the pursuit of some 'outcome-based religion' or societal 'religious equality' – continue to increase. Thank you for taking a stand! I pray that God will prosper you and your endeavors for Him in this new work." (David Barton. President of WallBuilder.)

"Tom, I also give my written blessings to you in your work to defend the cause of Christ." (Rev. Jerry Falwell. Founder of Liberty Alliance and the Moral Majority. Lynchburg, VA.)

"We are pleased to learn of the mission of NAACD to challenge and counter anti-Christian bias and bigotry. Family Research Council welcomes new allies in this battle to rebuild a civil norm that recognizes the essential contribution of our Christian heritage to American society. God bless you for your vision, and may the NAACD enjoy nothing but the greatest success." (Charles A. Donovan. Executive Vice President of the Family Research Council.)

"It is encouraging to hear about your efforts to establish an organization to confront issues of religious freedom. As you probably know, religious liberty is a matter of importance to Dr. Dobson and one which he has addressed repeatedly. We will be remembering you and your organization in prayer. May the Lord guide you, bless you, and grant you success in all your endeavors. Dr. Dobson sends his warm regards." (John Perrodin. Special Assistant to Dr. James Dobson. Focus on the Family.)

"We agree with you that there is a serious need for the Christian equivalent of an anti-defamation league. As has been well defined by others, when a culture wants to marginalize a segment of that culture, the steps are to ignore them, ridicule them, censor them, imprison them, and then persecute them. Our culture is well along that path regarding people of the Christian faith. Christians are the only ones that it is acceptable to criticize and ridicule in our country today. The movie industry, the television industry, the newspaper media, the anti-virtue forces in our nation, and the homosexual activists are all actively engaged in Christian bashing. May God bless your and your efforts." (Clark Hollingsworth. Coral Ridge Ministries. Ft. Lauderdale, FL)

"May God bless the efforts of your new organization. I commend you for what you are attempting to do." (Dr. D. James Kennedy. Center for Reclaiming America . Ft. Lauderdale, FL.)

"I am pleased to support the National Alliance Against Christian Discrimination. We live in an era when political correctness has gripped the nation. We are forbidden to even tell a funny story about certain groups and nationalities. But Christians can be ridiculed in the most vulgar of terms and that is supposed to be just fine. I am pleased you are finally saying – 'Enough is enough!'" (Paul Weyrich. Free Congress Foundation. Washington, D.C.)

"Thank you so much for your letter. I was especially impressed with your desire to form an 'alliance' to help restore religious freedoms and to re-establish the Christian values and principles that has made America great. Religious freedom is very near to our heart at the Alliance Defense Fund. We will stand with you in prayer, dear brother. May God guide you and bless you in this endeavor." (Alan E. Sears. President and General Counsel of the Alliance Defense Fund. Scottsdale, AZ.)

"I commend you on your burden and vision for wanting to make a difference in turning the direction of our country around in terms of how Christians seem to be treated nowadays." (Richard Roberts. President and CEO of Oral Roberts University.)

NAACD Wish List

As the Executive Director for the National Alliance Against Christian Discrimination, Inc., here's what we need as an activist organization and what we are hoping for:

1) Prayer Support - it is vital that I have a prayer-covering for this frontline ministry from other ministers, ministries, and believers.

2) Pastoral Support - without the leadership of a local church acknowledging and blessing this activist, Christian ministry, the outreach and impact in our nation will be minimal as well as diminished.

3) People Support - grassroot, lay leadership is the heart of this alliance. I need volunteers from every church across our nation to help monitor ant-christian bias with the goal of protecting our religious freedoms.

4) Personal Support - my position as the national director of the NAACD is a full-time, faith-ministry. Pastors, church leaders, and concerned Christians that believe in the mission and direction of this alliance can help me fulfill my calling by financially undergirding it.

5) Pulpit Support - I am ordained and was in the pastorate for over 20 years. I am open to speaking opportunities at churches, conferences (missions, men's, patriotic, etc.), seminars, or other religious activities.

You may contact me about your interest or send support to:

National Alliance Against Christian Discrimination
Rev. Tom Pedigo, Executive Director
P.O. Box 26506
Colorado Springs, CO 80936-6506

Tel. #: (719) 532-9719

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